Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Friday Letters #1

TGIF!!! When I got back to the office on Wednesday it felt like Monday, and when I woke up this morning I realized it was Friday again! Yeeeeeaaaaah Buddy that's what I'm talking about! We should have seriously have 3 day weeks all the time...Anyone know who I can talk to?

Ok so I know I'm a day behind... But I didn't want to miss out this week's link-up. Better late than never, right?!

Dear Friday, You have no idea how excited I was when I realized you here!

Dear Honey, Everyday that goes by I love you a little a more. Thank you for putting up with me the past few weeks. 

Dear Paycheck, why can't you mysteriously add a few more digits to yourself each month, I won't be greedy, maybe just add one extra digit to the amount, and I'll be good to go.

Dear Bills, After updating my BROKE spreadsheet this morning and adding a few new rows to you today, is there anyway you can temporarily delete yourself from the bill collectors for the next few months? Pretty Please!

Dear New Apartment, the next 27 days can't come quick enough, I'm so excited to start moving in and making you pretty.

Dear Blogger Friends, I'm wishing you all have a FABULOUS weekend!



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